Author Archives for morten

Concedo is awarded in the APA 2022 Concession Round.

January 10, 2023 1:57 pm Published by Comments Off on Concedo is awarded in the APA 2022 Concession Round.

Concedo AS is very pleased with the recent award in the APA 2022 Concession Round. The licence is located in the North Sea, immediately south of the Oseberg Field (Block 30/9). The awarded license (PL1176) is owned by Concedo with 40%, and the Operator is Aker BP with a 60%... More

Minutes from the Annual General Meeting, 23rd May 2022

May 23, 2022 1:50 pm Published by Comments Off on Minutes from the Annual General Meeting, 23rd May 2022

On the 23rd May 2022, the Annual General Meeting was held in Concedo’s offices in Torvgården, Torvveien 1, 1383 Asker. Attached are the minutes of the meeting: Minutes from Concedo AS Annual General Meeting 2022 (Norwegian & English).  

Notice convening Annual General Meeting of Concedo AS, May 23rd, 2022

May 10, 2022 1:24 pm Published by Comments Off on Notice convening Annual General Meeting of Concedo AS, May 23rd, 2022

Notice of Annual General Meeting in CONCEDO AS Notice is hereby served that ordinary general meeting of Concedo AS, org. no. 988 217 867 (the “Company”) will be held on Monday 23 May 2022 at 14:00 hours (CET). The general meeting will be held via Teams. To be sure that... More

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

March 21, 2022 8:32 am Published by Comments Off on Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting

Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting at 30 March 2022   On the 30th March 2022, an Extraordinary General Meeting will be held in Concedo’s offices in Torvgården, Torvveien 1, 1383 Asker.   The meeting will be held via Teams. The main agenda point is a resolution for a Share Capital... More

Concedo is awarded in the APA 2021 Concession Round.

January 18, 2022 1:21 pm Published by Comments Off on Concedo is awarded in the APA 2021 Concession Round.

Concedo AS is very pleased with the recent awards in the APA 2021 Concession Round. Three licences were awarded to Concedo: Two licences in the North Sea and one in the Barents Sea. The two licenses in the North Sea are additional acreage to existing production licences (PL882 and PL1043).... More

NPD with news regarding drilling of the Rødhette well

October 13, 2021 7:12 am Published by Comments Off on NPD with news regarding drilling of the Rødhette well

NPD has today published news regarding  drilling of the PL 901 Rødhette well in the Barents Sea:–71226-3-s/

Petrolia NOCO: PL 882 Dry well in Dugong Tail

October 8, 2021 9:10 am Published by Comments Off on Petrolia NOCO: PL 882 Dry well in Dugong Tail

Our partner in PL 882, Petrolia NOCO, has issued this news message: “Petrolia Noco AS (49.9 % owned) announces that drilling operations on the exploration well in Dugong Tail prospect in PL 882 license are now being concluded. The well is determined as a dry well and will be plugged... More